Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Las despedidas

I knew this was going to come, but it took me by surprise how fast these three months had passed. I am basically on the final count down until I return to Arizona and start school again. To the left is a picture of my mentor and his family. From left to right: Felipe, Virginia (wife), Mariana, me, and Santiago. As the only pictures that I took with the family, this gives you an idea of the warm and welcoming people that let me stay in their house for the first couple days in Uruguay. For my despedida, my mentor prepared a traditional Uruguayan asado while watching football.

My roommates also decided to host a despedida involving lots of grilled meats, cumbia and the Uruguayan love of dance. I was told to feel special since they didn't do anything for a German exchange student when he left. So, though I haven't left the country... I am already missing this place.

PS: Now that I have left the country, it was pure bad luck that there was a strike on the main buses the day that I had to go to the airport. Because of this, many people that had planned on going to the airport were unable to. Right before I left, the remaining people of the residence who did not have class prepared a signed flag as a going-away present (I was shoo'ed away many times, not knowing why I couldn't go to a certain area of the residence). 

And almost like a movie-style transformation, instead of backing up when people did the "hug and kiss" thing like I did when my mentor's wife first greeted me, I full-heartedly reciprocated. This was the perfect way to end the three months here.

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